Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
We are looking forward to the year ahead as we have a lot of exciting topics to explore. We will start by learning about life in Ancient Greece. Later, we will be looking at earthquakes and considering the impact that they have on land and civilisation. We will also discover how the Anglo-Saxons lived, as well as finding out about the history of crime and punishment!
Children are still expected to read frequently at home, recording this in their Reading Records, which should then be signed by an adult. It is important that they read a range of different text types and continue to discuss what they are reading with an adult at home, even if they are fluent enough to read to themselves.
As well as reading, children should regularly practise their spellings and times tables. Homework will be set regularly and can be completed on Purple Mash.
We look forward to working with you all over the coming year.
Mrs Sutton and Miss Owen
View Ancient Greeks Newsletter
View Term 1 Sapphire Spellings
View Term 1 RAD Spellings
View Term 2 RAD Spellings
View Term 2 Sapphire Spellings