Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to Year 6! This is the children’s last year at Primary school and we want them to make the most of it. We will be covering all areas of the curriculum, prepare and take SATs examinations and think about transition to secondary school. Year 6 also comes with the added responsibility of being a role model to others throughout the school, inspiring them to do things the RLK way.
Our topics this year are:
- Were the Maya civilized?
- Mountains
- How were the Vikings different to the Saxons?
- Biomes
- Why did Henry VIII change the religion of England?
- Trade: UK vs the world
Home Learning
With secondary school just around the corner, it is vitally important that Year 6 children are in good habits around completing school work at home, as the homework expectations will be much greater at secondary school. In addition, with the SATs exams in May it is also important that Year 6 children are practicing their key skills, such as times tables and spellings.
Our expectation in Year 6 is:
- Practise times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars regularly (3-5 times a week)
- Read to an adult 5 times a week
- Practise spellings regularly
- Complete any tasks set on Purple Mash by the due date
All home learning will be set on Purple Mash. A class homework blog has been set up where children can ask questions about their homework and share their work.
Whilst the SATs exams can seem stressful or challenging to Year 6 children, at RLK we teach a full, rich curriculum and understand that SATs exams only assess a child’s understanding of a narrow range of criteria. We do not ‘teach to the test’ and Year 6 children at RLK go into SATs exams in May confident and relaxed. We will be holding parents meeting s around SATs closer to the time and parents will also be given SATs revision books that can be used at home.
As part of the process of leaving Primary school, Year 6 children have the opportunity to develop their resilience, perseverance and teamwork on a residential trip to Braeside. Mr Barnett will be holding a meeting for parents soon and please look out for the latest news.
As a team we are looking forward to working with Year 6 this year and having the best end to Primary school.
Mr Fannin and Mrs King
View SATS presentation to parents