Year 4

Welcome to year 4!

Welcome to Year 4! During the year we look forward to see all of the children become increasingly independent and take more of a responsibility for their learning. We cannot wait to celebrate all of their achievements with you.


Our topics this year include:

  • Booming Swindon!
  • Rainforests
  • Ancient Egyptians
  • The Dragon of Krakow
  • Medicine through time
  • The Northern Lights

An overview of each term’s learning, weekly spellings and any future homework will be added to this section of the RLK website and also on Purple Mash so please keep checking back for all the latest news.

Home Learning

At RLK, our weekly reading challenge is to read for pleasure at home five times. Please can Parents/Carers encourage and help children to achieve this by filling in and signing their reading record. Children will receive reading rewards when they reach certain intervals, the rewards consist of stickers, certificates, bookmarks, badges and even a book of their choice when the reach 300 reads by the end of the year! In order to receive the final prize of a book, children must read every day of the week. Please can children bring their reading records in every Monday.

Children will have a spelling test every Monday for Class 9 and every Friday for Class 10. The whole term’s spellings are on one sheet, which can be found in this area of the website.

Homework is based entirely within Purple Mash. Tasks for each term will be shared on the website and displayed in classroom windows.

A clear focus in Year 4 is learning all the times tables. As part of their homework, please encourage children to log into their Times Table Rockstars and practice learning all their tables daily. You could also use the Topmarks website and play ‘Hit the Button’ to practise a range of maths skills.


During the year, all children will have the opportunity to learn the clarinet. This will take place on a Friday and is taught by an external tutor. Each class will have 3 terms worth of lessons, starting with Class 9 and Class 10 will have the second half of the year. All of the equipment for these lessons are provided by the school and there is no additional cost for this.

Multiplication Tables Check

Later in the year, Year 4 children will complete the statutory multiplication tables check which measures their recall of multiplication facts through to 12 x 12. This is completed online and children will have opportunities to practise throughout the year. A helpful resource for further practise at home can be found at or .

Trips and Visits

We will have opportunities throughout the year to go on a range of visits to support the children’s learning. Please look out for more information via Parentmail.

If you would be available to support any of our trips during the year, then please see  the office about completing a DBS form.

Mrs Dorrell and Miss Khatoon

View Term 1 – Booming Swindon

View Term 1 – Spellings

View Year 4 – Just Know It

View Year 3/4 Common Exception Words

View Year 4 Curriculum Parent Meeting

View Year 4 Emerald spellings.doc

View Year 4 Spellings

View Term 4 – The dragon of krakow