
These website links will support parents in the issue of e-safety.

If you have any e-safety concerns, you can contact Miss Owen via the school office, your child’s teacher or Mrs Smith.

  • Childnet International – plenty of advice and teachers’ resources. Look for the ‘Prank or Pain’ link through their ‘Know it All’ project link.
  • Internet Watch Foundation – support website with information on filtering, protection, and an area to report illegal content.
  • Cyberbully – contains links to useful online documents such as a guide to cyber-bullying and an educator’s guide.
  • Thinkuknow – Useful links for parents and carers who may have concerns about the safety of their child online.  
  • NSPCC – has a whole selection of blogs written specifically for parents and carers about online safety themes.

For more information, please see the Robert Le Kyng Internet safety document