Our children look very smart when they wear uniform.
School Uniform
- Black or grey – trousers, skirt or pinafore
- Royal blue – jumpers, sweatshirts or cardigans (Plain or with the school Logo which are available from our supplier Famous School Branches)
- Blue or White – Shirts, polo shirts with collars
- Black shoes
Optional Summer Uniform
- Blue and White striped or checked dresses
- Black or Grey shorts with white polo shirts
PE Kit
White shirt, Black or Grey shorts and black daps (rubber soled). In colder weather children might like to wear an appropriate tracksuit/jogging bottoms.
Please ensure that all clothing is labelled (including shoes).
Second hand uniform
We have a stock of second hand uniform in the school which is available to all. Please come into the school office or contact Mrs Ward via psa@robertlekyng.bluekitetrust.org if you would like to see if we have anything in your child’s size. Periodically we display available items at the front of the school for you to help yourselves.
Uniform supplier
You can order items directly from our current supplier Famous School Branches which is based at Unit 1B Plaza 21, Sanford Street, Swindon, SN1 1HE