The Robert le Kyng Supporters’ Privacy Notice

The Robert Le Kyng Supporters’ Privacy Notice

Under data protection laws, individuals have a right to know what information the RLK Supporters’ has about them and how it is used. To comply with this, The Robert le Kyng Supporters have issued the following ‘Privacy Notice’, detailing what information we hold, why it is held and how it is processed.

What information we hold
The Robert le Kyng Supporters collect, store and use personal information for a variety of reasons. Personal data that we may collect, store and use include:
• names and contact details of Robert le Kyng committee members
• names and contact details of adults who attend / have attended RLK Supporters’ meetings
• names and contact details of adults who volunteer for events
• names and contact details of adults who have purchased items such as tickets, cards, etc
• names and details of companies with whom the RLK Supporters have / have had contracts
• names of children who attend events, such as discos
• contact details of parents/guardians whose children attend events

Some of this information, such as committee member and volunteer contact details, is stored permanently, with consent. Other details, which are linked to specific events, such as names of children and contact details of parents is stored on paper for the duration of the event and then securely destroyed.

Our reasons for using this data
The RLK Supporters collect, store and use the data for various reasons:
• to comply with a legal regulation – such as personal details of some committee members that are requested by the Charity Commission
• we have obtained consent to use it in a specific way – such as adult contact details for volunteering, distributing minutes of meetings, notification of events
• to comply with contractual obligations – details of individuals or companies with whom the Supporters have agreed a contract, such as companies that supply discos, draw tickets, Christmas cards, stalls for fundraising events

Collecting information
The RLK Supporters will only collect, store and use data that we feel is necessary to fulfil the role of the PTA. Information that is needed for specific events, such as discos, is stored temporarily and then disposed of after the event. All information for such events is collected, stored and disposed of securely within the school building.

How our information is stored
The details of committee members and volunteers are stored electronically. Consent has been given by the relevant adult for it to be stored in this manner. Details of children attending specific events and contact details for parents of children attending these events are held on paper for the duration of these events, stored securely and then securely destroyed.

Data Sharing
The RLK Supporters have an agreement with Robert Le Kyng School which enables us to use the school Parentmail system for distributing information about meetings and events, including regular updates in the school newsletter. No member of the of the RLK Supporters has direct access to your email addresses through the Parentmail system. As a parent, you are able to remove your consent to receive information from the RLK Supporters through Parentmail at any time. If you wish to do so, please see a member of the Office staff.
We will only share specific information you give us where you have given us consent to do so.

Withdrawing Consent
Any individual has the right to withdraw their consent for information to be used by the RLK Supporters. To request that we no longer use your details please contact us in writing or email us at

Queries or Complaints
If you would like any further information about how your data is used or feel that we have misused your data in any way please contact us at
Alternatively, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at