School Council

The aim of our school council is to give a voice to every child in the school so they have a say in how the school is run.

If a school council is run properly it is an extremely powerful and important tool in improving everyone’s time at school. Children often see things completely differently to adults, therefore they are often the best people to ask about how we can improve things!

How the school council works

Once a year, each class from Year 2 to Year 6 vote for a representative to come to our fortnightly meetings. Two additional Year 6 children cover the Year 1 and Reception classes.

Before a meeting, an agenda is produced taken from the comments and questions from the children that are placed in the school council box. The agenda is discussed in class with teachers and then the class representative comes along to the meeting to report back what every child thinks about the issues.The council produces minutes about what we have discussed and agreed upon. This is then reported back to each class via the representative and displayed on our school council notice board.

Typically the school council have decided upon many issues which have been big and small. For example they have discussed about ensuring there are sufficient coat pegs in the cloak rooms.

So, you can see, our school council is achieving great things to improve our own school.

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